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Saturday, September 12, 2009.

(I’m actually writing this in the wee hours of Sunday morning.)


These two….

faye and sam, pale

…are soon to tie the knot.

Crazy, huh? Crazy how the years fly by.

cute sisters edited

It wasn’t exactly a huge shock…I mean, Faith and Luke go together like…well, like these two:


Uhm…except, they can’t dance.

(Also, Luke called a while ago and asked me what her ring size was. Slight giveaway there, old boy.)

But Faith and Luke are perfect for each other – the proverbial match made in heaven. And I couldn’t be happier for them. My first words weren’t congratulatory, though. I believe I actually said, “So I’m completely furious at this moment in time.”

(I get really eloquent when I’m mad 🙂 )

The reason for my furiosity? I wasn’t even there for the announcement. I had just run upstairs to visit the loo, and had plopped down at the computer for a second when Paige came charging down the hall, screaming.

Yes, I heard the news from my psychotic little sister, who was, I do believe, very close to having an excitement-induced aneurysm.

But oh well. The ring is gorgeous. The lovebirds are gloriously happy. The date, however, has not been set. They’re thinking March, maybe. And all I’m thinking is Isn’t sister, maid of honor? And isn’t maid of honor, hostess of ceremonies? And do I know anything about hostessing – or ceremonies?

Eh, I’ll cross those bridges when I come to them. And then I’ll burn them behind me because…well, just because. I’ve got to draw the line somewhere. I mean, I don’t really want to end up like this:

dresses in closet

(Although, having 27 dresses would definitely have it’s advantages.)

This has gotten me thinking, though. Once my big sis gets hitched, matchmaking eyes will turn upon me with a vengeance. And I’ll have nothing with which to fend them off except my feeble wit and weak platitudes. I can just hear it now…

So you’re next, huh?”

“When are you gonna find yourself a nice fella?”

“Any prospects these days, Abbie?”

“I know a great guy – I should introduce you two!”

“When are you going to take the plunge, old girl?”

Okay, so maybe the “old girl” bit is a little over the top. This will, however, put me in a strange and untenable position as being ‘next-in-line’. All expectations will be for me to find a nice “fella” and fall into wedded bliss as well, following obediently in the safe and sedate footsteps of my sister.

Well, safe and sedate is fine for Faith. It’s who she is. I wouldn’t have her any other way.

But I fully intend to crash some expectations over the next few years. I can’t help it – I’m an almost-middle child. I just hope I’ll be able to fend off the well-meaning remarks from old ladies I don’t even know at the wedding.

Perhaps I’m borrowing trouble. We’re not exactly the Trumps. It’ll be a small wedding, therefore; no old ladies I don’t know.

(I hope.)

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

The ring:


Dazzling in its simplicity. Sensible. Lovely. So very Faith.

Congratulations, sis. I’m happy for you. And I really mean it.



About Abbie:

I love to write, play the violin, and eat Chinese food and Krispy Kreme doughnuts (not at the same time). I also love God, kids, cooking, baking, umbrellas, and the color green.

What Is This?

This is where I write about my life; laughing, living, and loving the Lord. (And whatever else I want to write about.)
Cool, huh?